Archive for November, 2010

The canary in the Southern California housing market signifies a sizeable home price decline for 2011 – Collapse in year over year home sales and $8,500 away from a 10 percent price decline for Southern California home prices. Freddie Mac online rent versus buy calculator doesn’t even allow for a 1 percent annual price decline.

Exporting the U.S. housing bubble – Japan and China real estate bubbles provide a fascinating example of what occurs with currency intervention and quantitative easing. If Ireland implodes with a similar U.S. housing market what does that mean domestically?

The rich foreclose in spectacular fashion – Pasadena million dollar home has owners unable to pay the mortgage yet keep getting mortgages. The biggest Southern California foreclosure loss in Bel-Air.

5 reasons to rent in California for the next 12 months – Glut of vacancies, decreasing home sizes, banks get serious about short sales, and uncommon financial headwinds.

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