Archive for the 'bailout' Category

The housing singularity and other housing oddities – more coverage on financial history in Mildred Pierce about SoCal housing bubble than all local networks combined. Geithner first to trial test his negative equity home as a rental?

The worst performing cities of Los Angeles County – Top 10 cities with annual price declines for 2011. The fundamental attribution error when applying a nationwide housing bottom to your bubble niche market.

The new American Dream of renting – 5 reasons why renting is a better economic choice than buying a home in 2012. The benefits of renting are rarely promoted unlike the large lobbying groups for home buying through the banking industry.

REO-to-rentals another Fed subsidy for big investors and select banks. Federal Reserve looking to engineer yet another bailout for key banking allies. Fed acknowledges 12,000,000 homes with negative equity.

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