Archive for the 'bailout' Category

Canceling out a generation of future home buyers because of massive student debt – In 1980 a median priced home in California would purchase 330 years of a UC education. Today it is down to roughly 20 and student loan debt is creating a new class of indentured citizens.

The oxymoron of Southern California real estate – Two of the most affordable counties in the state are here in Southern California? Acknowledging that household income is the most important driver in stable housing markets. Two lost decades in home prices.

Manic California – state budget gets worse with projected deficit of $20 billion on the books again. Aging population fastest growing segment in next decade. Disturbing trend of replacing smoking with a double latte.

Underwater nation – Over 14 million homeowners now sit in a negative equity position. Bubble markets see faster year over year price declines.

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