Archive for the 'credit crisis' Category

The twin bubbles of housing and higher education – housing bubble expanded from 1997 to 2007 and imploded. Since 2000 tuition costs have been soaring but graduate pay has been falling. What happens when you price out a generation looking for starter homes?

The arrival of housing purgatory – Why is housing experiencing one of its worst sales years even with the 30 year fixed rate mortgage breaking into the 3 percent range? A case as to why housing will remain a poor investment deep into 2015.

The financial siren call of low mortgage rates – Federal Reserve continues to artificially lower mortgage rates to keep shadow inventory values inflated for banking allies.

The worst housing crash since the Great Depression just got worse. What happens when home values pop in other bubble metro areas? New home sales fall 82 percent from peak versus 80 percent during the Great Depression

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