Archive for the 'credit crisis' Category

The Heisei boom, financial trickery, and central bank voodoo – Can the U.S. support two lost decades? Japan asset bubble collapse solutions exported to the United States. 9 graphs showing troubling similarities.

The end of Ponzi financing era in the United States and the World – When income, revenues, and swindles no longer support servicing debt. From California home owners, Greek bondholders, and Japanese zombie banks.

How many McDonald’s jobs does it take to purchase a California home? 10 to 25 percent price decline over the next five years will prove to be optimistic. Can Americans stomach a second housing crash?

The lost generation and merging of credit bubbles – College graduates go into massive debt and enter a low wage job market. Median starting salary for the class of 2010 is $27,000. Student loan debt soaring while wages decline and delay a generation from buying homes.

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