Archive for the 'employment' Category

California home prices 50 percent off March 2007 peak – Why California home prices will be impacted by multi-year state budget deficits, higher interest rates, and a backlog of distressed properties.

Four financial corners of California – real estate and broker licensees continue to decline, banks extend average foreclosure to 285 days, underemployment surges to 19.9 percent nationwide, and Federal Reserve now largest U.S. debt holder.

Is California the new Japan? – 5 charts showing nonfarm payrolls at 1998 levels, underemployment of 23 percent, 685,000 homes at least 90 days delinquent, a massive zombie real estate sector, and a decreasing homeownership rate.

An expensive lesson in debt. Why many future potential home buyers will carry an albatross of student loan debt and push home prices lower. 25 percent of young California graduates underutilized in the labor force.

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