Archive for the 'fraud' Category

5 housing and financial stories showing profound weakness in the economy: new home sales break past record low dating back to 1963, prisoners using home buyer tax credit, SoCal inventory spiking, U.S. dollar multi-decade slide, and Fannie Mae cracking down on strategic default.

5 reasons why California will face another lost decade in housing – 493,000 real estate agents and brokers for 219,000 homes listed on the MLS. 7 percent of 90+ day late loans in California have no foreclosure filed. State budget depended on real estate bubble jobs for revenues.

Housing never really improved – 10 charts showing the United States housing market is entering the second wave of problems. 1 out of 4 people with no mortgage payment in the last year are still not in the foreclosure process.

The Strategic Default World – $100,000 negative equity the pushing point. 12 percent of all U.S. defaults in February were strategic. 30,000 people a month are able to pay their mortgage but are deciding not to.

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