Archive for the 'housing-2009' Category

California Budget Recalled: The $24.3 Billion Budget Deficit. Missed Economic Projections and Financially Betting on a Recovery that Never Showed Up. 20 Years of Bubbles. From Tech to Real Estate.

Loan Modifications Another Taxpayer Bailout to the Housing Industry: Mortgage Modification Default Rates over 50 Percent. Over 4 Percent of Subprime Loans First Payment Defaults.

The Triple California Housing Threat: Low, Mid, and Upper Range Housing Distress Ladder. How the Housing Implosion will Spread to Higher Priced Neighborhoods.

First Ever Global Housing Led Recession: One out of Eight American Mortgage Holders either Late or in Foreclosure on their Mortgage: 66 Percent of Mortgages Prime but what does that mean if Prime is now Defaulting at High Rates?

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