Archive for the 'option arms' Category

5 reasons why the California real estate market will weaken from August to December of 2010: California budget delay, inventory growth, and three other important factors.

Where did the option ARMs go? Cheaper to pay modified loan than paying market rents. Subsidizing the housing market through shadow finance. Interest only payment 10 percent cheaper than market rents.

Treasury Officials Concerned over Option ARM Recasts and Jumbo Loans Issues – Recalibrating the Housing Numbers while 5.6 Million Mortgages are Delinquent. California One Two Housing Punch. 60 Percent of Option ARMs and 45 Percent of Jumbo Loans in California.

Option ARMs Come Back into Center Stage: 350,000 Active Option ARMs with over 200,000 in California. 78 Percent of Option ARMs have yet to hit Recast Dates.

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