Archive for the 'real-estate' Category

Shadow inventory Armageddon – Foreclosure timeline up to an average of 599 days with 798,000 mortgages having no payment made in over 1 year and no foreclosure process initiated. Shadow inventory grows to over 6,540,000 properties.

Manhattan Beach 800 square foot home sells for $870,000 in 2007 and now chases market down. Refinancing proposal will not save housing because shadow inventory and bank accounting chicanery is true problem in our economy.

If you build it, they won’t come – Why are new home sales not getting the summer bounce with 30 year mortgage rates at historical lows? Prop 13 and the housing lottery in California.

Where the income is lacking – Calabasas median home price falls from $1.39 million to $877,000 in one year. A city where nearly 80 percent own yet incomes are unable to support bubble prices.

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