Archive for the 'strategic default' Category

Real Homes of Genius: Culver City duplex edition. $800,000 in loans on a 1,400 square foot duplex. Now selling for $590,000. Renting makes sense especially in mid-tier real estate markets.

The Strategic Default World – $100,000 negative equity the pushing point. 12 percent of all U.S. defaults in February were strategic. 30,000 people a month are able to pay their mortgage but are deciding not to.

The Financial Psychology of Moral Hazard and Strategic Defaults: How to Destroy the Economic Fabric of Society by Providing Benefits for Financially Irresponsible Bets on Housing.

Alt-A Loans and Option ARMs meet Strategic Defaults: The Perfect Recipe for a Toxic California Housing Market in 2010. Behavioral Economics of Housing and Top 7 California Regions with Active Alt-A Loans.

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