Compton and Paramount real estate deals: 4 properties in the heart of Los Angeles County. Location is more than a matter of mileage and sunshine.
People always mention a few items when it comes to real estate values. For California they highlight location, mileage to freeways, weather, and access to employment hubs. Well if you want a good deal and according to some, every single part of L.A. County is going to gentrify so you should simply purchase in the most affordable zip codes. The argument is that if you get in early on a gentrifying neighborhood, you can make out like a bandit. This logic is usually coming from the Taco Tuesday crowd and those aspiring to purchase a hardwood floor stucco sarcophagus. So today we’ll look at four properties in Paramount and Compton. They meet all the criteria thrown out by the gentrifying crowd. People mistake luck with investing acumen. The 1,000,000+ that lost their California home to foreclosure isn’t speaking too loudly (just like those who bought Enron stock). But when it comes down to buying, they usually want others to take the first step especially in areas that might transition. Let us take a look at some of the deals to be had.
L.A. County real estate deals
We hear about rental parity and in these markets, you can hit rental parity with little down. Of course this logic dissolves completely because in more crap shack hoods, you will need 20% down (something like $100,000 or $140,000) to even come remotely close to meeting market rents. This is conveniently left out or any deeper analysis into opportunity cost or market cycles. Some people fail to see beyond the obsession of real estate and even within the last decade, we have the tech bubble and real estate bubble. Yet somehow, things have settled down. Well if they believe this, here are four deals that meet every criteria on their list. Somehow I doubt they’ll put their money into play.
Here is the first home:
8334 Elburg St, Paramount, CA 90723
3 beds, 2 baths 990 square feet
I’m not sure how you cramp in 3 bedrooms and 2 baths into 990 square feet but just look at the picture above. The price history is interesting:
Someone almost bit in March but they went back to market at a higher price. It last sold for $215,000 in 2011. They are now trying to get $305,000. The AGI for a family in this zip code is $32,000. This highlights the vast chasm of market unaffordability in Los Angeles. Let us move to our next deal.
15515 Delcombre Ave, Paramount, CA 90723
3 beds, 2 baths 1,207 square feet
This home is bigger and is nicer. The current list price is $389,000. The price history on this home is a reflection of the insanity of our real estate cycles:
Someone wanted $489,900 in 2007. They got $290,000 in 2008. Bwahahaha! Now they are going for $389,000.
The next two homes take us to Compton. These are $100k homes in L.A. County.
2230 E Piru St, Compton, CA 90222
3 beds, 1 bath 912 square feet
This home is perfect for the aspiring hipster. This home would go for $700,000 in Culver City and you’ll probably get better tacos in the Compton area. The list price is $169,000. With 20 percent down your principal and interest will be $609! So come on you rent neutral champions. Put your money into play. You are actually under market rents. But as we all know, there are other factors that play into buying (even though this area meets the location, sun, and proximity arguments).
Let us look at our next home.
523 N Wilmington Ave, Compton, CA 90220
2 beds, 1 bath, 750 square feet
Bars are always a nice touch. But hey! The gentrification process is only minutes away. This home has had a lot of pricing activity. Take a look:
It sold in 2002 for $75,000. And then 10 years later in 2012 for $75,000. Now that is grand appreciation! It sold for $164,000 in 2014 and is now listed at $199,900 (they were trying to get $234,900 in February!). Bwahaha!
So there you go and don’t say Dr. Housing Bubble didn’t provide you solid deals. Let us know how your purchase on these places go and how the gentrifying goes. Keep in mind that in practically every other state around the country you can get a lot for $300k and $200k. Plus incomes in these zip codes are eve below the median US household income figures. Just saying. But only California has the sun, access to beaches, freeways, and a very interesting Taco Tuesday crowd. Your poop also smells better once you buy a crap shack, it is known.
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50 Responses to “Compton and Paramount real estate deals: 4 properties in the heart of Los Angeles County. Location is more than a matter of mileage and sunshine.”
It’s insane to No END. rents keep going up and house prices up… They are forcing people to buy, because now they’re lowering the MQ standards again… they want people to buy buy and to go up up… low credit scores, low down payments, high DTI and now they are cutting the fees (loan, title, and all that) to get people to buy… as soon as the interest go up a point, these people stretching to buy with low DPs will be in the red… they will not raise interest rates, and they will lower qualifications (short sale, foreclosures and bad credit they’ll give a loan…) they want you in a high price home, they need you in high price home.
As much as I want a lower price or housing… I don’t see how these crooks will let it come down. 🙁 The higher the rent the less you save…
besides people who own a home want prices to soar… it’s only the all of us losers who don’t own that wish they’d adjust. *sigh**
I always thought this maybe part of what is going on. Force people with very little cash to go for 3% down loans, while pricing them out of the rental market. If it cost too much for a couple to rent and then even more difficult to find multiple families to rent with just amplifies the stress. If you thought you were going to make it here working with a decent salary you might have a chance to beat the odds. However, for how long? -all imo
We all know prices rose after the crash for synthetic reasons, e.g. low rates, gov’t intervention (low down payment FHA loans, HAMP, tax credit, etc.), and big investor activity. We also know that current prices are buoyed by lack of inventory. But I never hear any commentary on when inventory will rise to healthier levels (and finally start putting downward pressure on prices). Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Seems to me we’re in a supply stalemate right now. Many people won’t/can’t list because they have little/no/negative equity. I.e. ironically supply is artificially low right now precisely because the last bubble popped. What’s going to break this cycle?
I once thought inventories could rise if the Baby Boomer generation needed to cash out in droves, but what is more likely to happen is the boomers will take out HELOCs and pass on the debt to their children. I think the inventory will continue to remain “artificially low” for the foreseeable future.
The only way we see housing prices come back down is if interest rates spike up like in the 1980s, which also isn’t likely going to happen. What we will likely see is a slow increase in rates, which will have a minimal short-term effect on housing prices.
@ Jack According to Pew Research, about 10,000 boomers per day are turning 65. This will go on for about 19 years. So far, it seems to have made little dent in inventory, perhaps for the reasons you cited. Of course, boomers are living longer also and dont or cant necessarily retire the day they turn 65.
75 is the new 65!
@ where’s the inventory – with no NINJA loans, long term low interest rates, lowering of FICO scores to obtain loan, 3% FHA down payment, plus baby boomers not selling their homes, plus homeowners who bought after the crash no longer believe in the move-up-the-ladder in ownership….. how can their be a crash in prices?
“The only way we see prices come back down is if interest rates spike up like in the 80’s”.
There aren’t any more Paul Volckers around, and if there were they would be thrown to the dogs.
“But I never hear any commentary on when inventory will rise to healthier levels (and finally start putting downward pressure on prices). Does anyone have any thoughts on this?”
There were plenty of commentaries on this. As soon as the interest increases, prices decrease. The higher the interest goes, the lower the prices will go. Of course, the payment will stay the same because the interest will be higher. Most people have a tendency to borrow to the max.
I forgot to mention on interests, that the FED is not going to raise the interest because they put themselves into a corner. IF, and that is a big “IF”, they raise the rates, they will do it ONLY to keep credibility. Maybe 0.25 or 0.5 max, only to lower them again soon after that. Even that simbolic rate increase nobody knows when it is going to happen; maybe when the FED lost credibility completely and ONLY to save face.
@Where’s the Inventory?
Your inventories are in foreclosed and per-foreclosure properties along with the hidden inventories that the banks have not acted upon because the want to keep them at book value a while longer.
To see what I mean, go to Zillow, pull up the L.A./Orange County basin, select ‘foreclosed’ and ‘per-foreclosure’ filters and you’ll see what I mean. Switching back and forth between ‘foreclosed’ and ‘for sale’ you’ll see that the former is roughly double the latter.
For those who still have their houses, I suspect they’re very much robbing Peter to pay Paul in order to keep a roof over their heads a while longer. You know, things like partiallly paying bills, cutting the cable, or delaying car repairs and maintenance. All that, and scrabbling for the extra dollar here and there. There has already been plenty of discussion about people in Mercedes showing up to redeem their aluminum cans for cash. You can add to that the number of Yard Sales you can see on non-Yard Sale days.
To get a real feel for L.A. and what’s really happening, pick a weekday and drive around the L.A. Basin and The Valley and see what there is to see. The trick is to take surface streets *only*, drive through neighbourhoods, and sort of go through a circle route, say Torrance to Santa Monica to Encino to Tarzana to Northridge to San Fernando to Downtown L.A. to East L.A. to South L.A. to Compton to Carson and finally to Long Beach. Note what you see; pay attention to your impressions. Do that and you get a better feel for the city and where it’s headed.
I did exactly that one day, and here are my impressions:
-There are some nice areas, but mostly not.
-Every other storefront seemed vacant or had a sub-par tennant.
-The above mentioned Yard Sales everywhere.
-They’re not Taggers; they’re Acrobats. (A bridge 60 feet about the ground and somebody lowers themselves 10 feet and goes to work!) And the Graffiti is simply out of control.
-Painting over the Graffiti only seem to make it worse. So many different paint lots used that a wall or bridge ends up looking like it has been camouflaged.
-The railroad tracks are in excellent shape. I mean really superb condition! They’re like the one bit of infrastructure that gets taken care of.
-The residential roads and blvds. are such a potholed mess that at times I thought I was in an industrial area, until upon reflection and observation I concluded that the industrial area roads were the better maintained.
-Some of the 100+ year old houses North of Downtown could be really cute if you were to get rid of all the people in them.
-This isn’t sustainable.
-Take away the water, power and gasoline, add a good earthquake, and watch what happens.
-It’s time for a reset or collapse.
Again, some of my impressions, and disturbing ones, since I really love Southern California despite everything and don’t want to have to grieve for it.
I’d be interested to know of your impressions of L.A. on a similar exploration. Do let us all know what you discover.
just a thought.
I’d love to take that tour, but my M-ATV is in the shop…
Inventory from Baby Boomers in SoCal will simply never hit the market anytime soon. The reason being is that many Baby Boomers will take out reverse mortgages and retire instead of selling and heading off to a low cost area like Arizona, Florida or Nevada.
Baby Boomers do not need to sell to tap into their home’s equity. This is where a reverse mortgage comes into play. I work in financial services. In the condos we manage in the 310 area code we are seeing a wave of reverse mortgages. Many of these older people bought their units 20, 30 years ago. Some of these HOA’s look like a convalescent home. This also applies to the SFR areas of Marina del Rey-Culver City-Palms-Mar Vista-Cheviot Hills as well. In those areas, people with a head full of grey hair is the norm.
After these people drain all of the equity via reverse mortgages, their kids will not be able to afford to buy out the reverse mortgage from the bank. When that happens only then will this Boomer inventory come on to the market.
Piru Street Compton? Wikipedia offers some background into the Pirus.
Compton Pirus Bloods:
Maybe an aspiring hipster could make it work with some vintage hi-fi equipment and veggie garden.
Is membership in a gang included in the price or, like a HOA fee, is it extra?
Some gangs will offer you the option of paying a Protection Fee. It doesn’t buy you membership in the gang, but it does provide other benefits.
I think you have to get jumped in…?
$200k to live in a 750 sq ft gang-infested ghetto shack is still insane and speaks to the fact that the ENTIRETY of LA is high-priced….so there’s no confirmation here that only certain areas of LA are unaffordable.
The numbers speak for themselves.
People are willing to pay insane prices/multiples to live the good life in LA.
Anywhere else in the country this sort of house/schools/crime, etc. would warrant maybe $50-$75k.
That’s why you will pay $700k for 800 sq feet in Culver City and it’s perfectly reasonable.
I’d also question the quality of work on these quickie flips. What brand of lipstick did they use on the pig? Does it include formaldehyde ? Red dye #3? Does it add value to the per pound profit ?
Who needs a bearing wall when an open floor plan is what everyone wants ?
Mobile homes in the 60s used to sell on “flash”: trendy colors and nice cabinets made out of thin particle board. Modern furniture included. And inside the walls 1×2 framing and aluminum wiring.
Somewhere along the line that became the business model for amateur flippers across the country.
I don’t see our rates going up much (if at all) when Globally, rates are falling. Heck, in Spain, some banks will pay you interest to take out a home loan now. And the baby boomers selling??? Forget about it. My wife is a classic example of the BB’s that want to live and die in So Cal. I am so ready to leave, but my girl just loves it here. As for most other people, they could not afford to buy the appreciated home they presently own, so good luck moving up to a nicer and more expensive home. Inventory will stay tight until something creates an economic implosion and the loss of jobs. Then you will get inventory once people have to sell.
Re: global rates. That more has to do with follow the leader (U.S.). The U.S. initiated the low rate charge (QEs), which supposed “stimulated the economy” but really it just propped up the stock and housing markets. The cheap USD is now hurting foreign markets/currencies, so other countries are reacting by issuing their own forms of QEs. Essentially, the world market is trying to print their way out of recession/depression/debt, which is not good if you are trying to time your way into buying a house.
I am a BB and sold a home in RPV last year. I also own homes in two other states. Tough decision though because of the location, view, and So. Cal. weather. Two things changed my mind, the home was older and was at that point where major upgrades, electrical, plumbing, and renovation, would be required. Did I want to invest a significant chunk of change into the place, or take advantage of the real estate prices and pocket the profit. Second, I realized that the cash from the sale could purchase a condo or townhouse in Hawaii or some other nice setting if I wanted, and I’d still have money left over. At this point however, not sure I want to own another property … might be easier to just do vacation rentals and not have the responsibility of ownership.
The first one looks like a mobile home that put down roots.
I love the new Quicken Loans “Buy-In” commercial. The narrator talks about how scary a 30 year commitment can be and how Americans are fearless, as they show images of people climbing mountains and jumping off cliffs, all projected on a house. Good old fashioned peer pressure. Stop being a pussy. Mortgage your future to the hilt!
Sorry, maybe it’s ’cause I’m in Texas, or a little out of touch, but what the hell is Taco Tuesday???
Taco Tuesday is a restaurant speacial offered on Tuesday e.g. Two for One tacos on Tuesdays.On this site it is used as a reference to folks so strapped for money they have to rely on filling up on cheaper food.
Isn’t it also a slight dig at hipsters with their well known love of tacos?
Thank you!!
Del Taco sells 3 regular tacos for $1.09 on Taco Tuesdays. Del Taco also has Taco Thursdays, 3 grilled chicken soft tacos for $2.09.
This is a lot of calories for almost no money.
@Where’s the Inventory?
It’s hard to say when the inventory issue will correct itself. I think I agree with another commenter that the inventory will be artificially low for some time. Although this is purely speculation, but it looks to me as if the current scheme is designed to benefit the first inheritors of the Fed’s hot money from QE – banks and corporations (like the Black Stone Group – the largest rental developer).
Due to a lack of inventory, these first receivers of QE hot money have to spend it, so they start to make loans, spend it on developments, etc., but only for luxury rentals (Hollywood, West Hollywood, Santa Monica, Glendale, etc.) Consequently, this drives rents up higher and higher, whereby people are forced to put their money into buying crap shacks with 3% FHA loans.
I think the current global real estate bubble will not go gently into that good night, not without some sort of black swan type of event. We can only imagine with the possible unknown variables based on the next President elect, whether there will be a regional war in the powder keg of the Middle East, whether the Greek exit from the Euro will ripple through the markets leading to a crash, or whether the water shortage from the drought will lead So Cal to be unlivable, especially if you throw some historic brush fires in the mix, or lastly, whether the great big earthquake we’ve been waiting for puts a damper on the real estate lust (I still remember the Northridge quake, which many of the SoCal newcomers probably do not). Given the continuing drought, possibilities of brush fires or “the big one” hitting so Cal, being tied to a huge mortgage is the last thing I’d want. The cost of fire/earthquake insurance is insane itself. Thus, it’s hard to say when the inventory increases as the current scheme benefits certain entrenched interests. But if I were looking at the real estate market holistically, taking into account the global scheme, I’d say to wait for the next foreseeable few years as a lot of sh*t is about to go down.
When you buy one of these crapshacks make sure and request a handgun be included in the closing. After a couple months in the hood you’ll probably want to use it on yourself, that is if you have any bullets left.
Just because a few middle-class families buy homes in Compton, does not mean it’s gentrified. From my understanding it’s the lower income African American residents and business owners who have historically lived and worked in Compton who are being displaced by Mexicans. The Mexican population is basically forcing them out by sure attrition and replacing the existing small businesses with others that cater to them. This is not gentrification. This is happening in all the lower income neighborhoods throughout LA.
True. I give much credit to Dems in CA, who seem very supportive of undocumented immigration yet unquestionably receive a vast majority of the black vote, although many blue collar jobs formerly filled by blacks now go to Hispanic immigrants. Those same immigrants are moving into black communities, competing for housing, driving up prices.
This phenomenon isn’t reserved for blacks…heard last week a staunch White Democrat relative is moving his family out of CA. Why? He works construction, complains he can’t compete for jobs in CA because of relentless competition, wages way down, cost of living is crushing, overcrowding, kids schools are slipping, etc. He supports unlimited immigration, blames everything on Mitt Romney.
I favor neither Dems or Repubs, but I’ve got to hand it to the Dems…they’ve done one hell of a sales job. Golf clap.
Bingo, about the sales job by Democrats. Essentially, they have run the CA legislature for the last 5-6 decades. Power/control and money is ALL they’re about. They’re politicians….
How about that $66 billion bullet-train? How about that closing of San Onofre, taking power for 1 million Southern California homes out of the grid?
Wouldn’t it have made sense to re-direct the $66 billion into the water problem? Wouldn’t it have made sense to either change San Onofre to natural gas as a fuel, or to re-task it for desalinization? Or at least to have studied the possibilities? Nah.
Democrats = Republicans, but the press does its’ job with Republicans, pointing out the “issues.” Democrats? The “caring” party? They don’t need to be watched by the press at all; they’re so “good.” Both parties have to raise a billion or so from wealthy donors to win the presidency, but donors to the Democrats don’t want anything for their money; they just want to help the poor and the middle class….
Oh please… while the Dems are no great prize, at least they’re not Koch (brothers) sucking while bible humping like the Republicans.
Please, the the Democrat party is full of corrupt, authoritarian, totalitarian, socialists/communists, who want to be petty dictators. While the Republican have the Koch Brothers, the Democrats are owned by rich leftist billionaires like George Soros, Tom Steyer, and Warren Buffet.
Bora, what do you care if the Republicans thump the Bible? They don’t mean it, and couldn’t do anything about it if they did.
If you really think we’ll ever have a Christian theocracy, you need to return to planet Earth.
The Left use the boogeyman of Christian theocracy the same way the Right uses fear Mexican reconquista or sharia law.
Yeah, but Orange County more Republican has allowed latino immirgrants for decades to displaced low skilled whites or 2nd and 3rd generation Latinos. Its not a Dem and displaced black thing for jobs. In fact Oc and Kern had a higher percentage of their working population that is illegal than La, so republicans should not just point the figure at Dems. It has to do with the job market. In OC, the white kids like to do telemarketing not warehousing or factory work or lower skilled construction work, so the Latino immigrants do the low skilled factory, cleaning jobs or construction.
Compton was once mostly white (former President George H.W. Bush lived there in 1949), then the city became mostly black, and now Compton is about 70% Hispanic. Law enforcement officials say the attacks on black families are being ordered by the Mexican Mafia prison gangs.
anyone think they will bring back FASB 157-8….mark to market?
Debt pushers are like drug pushers but worse….keep loading up, hopium never ends….
Sheeple are easy to herd…
Per Federal Banking law, banks are allowed to keep foreclosures for a period of up to 10 years. Mark to market (FASB 157-8) is not coming back until after these foreclosures have been deposed of. The worst quality mortgages were issued in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. Banks did not foreclose on many of the bad mortgages until several years of non-payment.
This means we are about 5 to 10 years away from mark to market or inventory levels returning to normal.
That’s just hipster generation x/y/z/millennial baloney, this notion that the Republicans and Democrats are the same. When are you dummies going to wake up? As in if McCain or Romney were president, we wouldn’t have Obamanation Care. Or that if the Democrat environmentalist wackos didn’t run the show for the last 50 years California wouldn’t be facing a massive water shortage.
Or the Middle East wouldn’t be going up in flames right now, or that the massive wave of illegals from Mexico wouldn’t be flowing across the border.
If you think that Obama=McCain=Romney=Paul=Walker=Palin=next Republican, then you deserve to be sitting in a crap shack in Compton.
How would McCain or Palin or Romney make snow fall in the Sierras, exactly?
Do you notice any trend on this graph of illegal immigration over time, maybe a downward trend starting in 2007?
I know nothing can ever change your mind, because it FEELS like Obama must be responsible for a huge increase in immigration. Never mind the facts, right?
Ah, not even a believing Christian can make snow fall in the Sierras. That’s why God invented RESERVIORS! Of course, since liberals don’t believe in God, they also don’t believe in building dams (or reservoirs).
As for statistics and studies on “illegals” from Mexico and Central America, just who are all of these “children” who have been charging across our “secure” southern border since the anointed one became POTUS. You guys are hopeless.
Go buy some tacos on Tuesday down in Compton. I’m sure that the locals will make you feel welcome.
So your answer is “God! Dam it!”
Just kidding … ?
In case you can’t read, or haven’t found someone who can read a newspaper slowly to you:
“The last three years of drought were the most severe that California has experienced in at least 1,200 years, according to a new scientific study published Thursday.” – San Jose Mercury News, 12/5/14. Growing crops in a desert is a dicey proposition. Dams would help, for a while.
How nice you liberals are at ignoring Obamantion’s failures. What about the millions of ILLEGALS that he’s attempting to make legal with his ILLEGAL non-executive order that is being held up in Federal Court? Or his multiple failures in the Middle-East? Not even the Germans like this guy any more.
He can’t even implement his OWN Obamanation Care without changing the rules and handing out illegal waivers, changes and whatevers, to the point where not even the OMB knows how much this boondoggle is going to cost. And when (and/if) the illegal Federal subsidies get tossed, the entire mess with fail. It’s already failing now with insurance premiums sky-rocketing for everyone.
And Obamanation lists “Global Warming” as America’s greatest threat, well you know that the guy is not too bright (as is why can’t anyone find anything he ever wrote from being at Harvard Law?). His open door policy for dirt poor and uneducated illegals from south of the border is going to kill this country.
Hey, but you’ll be able to get great tacos on Tuesday!
FYI – the numbers are going down because they’re being reported differently. People caught at the border and immediately sent back are no longer considered immigrants/deportations – most are not reported at all. Illegal immigration has not gone down in any meaningful way.
Disclaimer – I hate both sides equally (our current system of government cannot and does not work, period), so I’m not picking on Obama.
xxj, I don’t care if the mideast goes up in flames. Whoever controls the oil will have to sell it, so what do I care who controls it?
I’ve never voted Democrat in my entire life, but I prefer Obama’s War-Mongering to the Neocons’ Hyper-War-Mongering.
I voted (write-in) for Ron Paul, but Obama or Hillary are better than the War-Crazy Neocons.
So you don’t care if Iran gets an atomic bomb a flattens Israel? Or a nuclear arms race takes off in the Middle East and then some wackos detonate a bomb in Manhattan or Long Beach?
Barry The Incompetent may have already started WW III. That doesn’t concern you? With Russia already invading countries (there’s a shooting war going on right now), that doesn’t concern you? Typical clueless Millennial/x/y/z generation, the generation that was born with a silver spoon in your mouth.
You go around complaining about housing costs as if you deserve to have everything handed to you–after all you’ve never had to work for anything. Well, Barry The Incompetent may just screw you guys out of a future.
You guys think that being hipsters and wise guys by inventing phrases like “Neocons” and believing that Republicans are the same as Democrats, and that Christians are nut jobs and crazy, well you’re going to learn the hard way that life can be tough.
Housing bubbles are trivial compared to what may happen in the not too distant future.
Where’s the inventory — I’m seeing houses that were lusted last year — didn’t sell — were rented — and are up for sale again —
Great lack of knowledge here. Hispanic gangs did an ethnic cleansing of blacks in South Central.
Illegals steal work from blacks directly.
California has been RUINED by the idiotic marxist “Democrats.”
I am looking to buy in Compton made a couple of offers. I want to buy something below $250,000 to live below my means. As the majority of millenniums , I still live with my parents in Compton. So far this year, we are seeing another Dollar Tree opening and a new mini shopping opening in a vacant lot. Chase Bank is opening. P A three level parking structure is opening this year next to the train station.More houses in the neighborhood are being flip. New Bike Master Plan for the city of Compton.Crime is down 30 percent compare to last year. According to LA Times Homocides there has been 6 murders in Compton so far this year. Compare to Hawthorne who has had 7 this year. They said they will invest in Watts too, the other side of the freeway. Hoping for a safer and beautiful Compton soon, a Compton like the older residents used to say Compton was. A strong middle class city, with good schools, shopping stores and nice homes.
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